
Responding to Student Writing

Gottschalk, Katherine and Keith Hjortshoj. “Assigning and Responding to Revision.” The Elements of Teaching Writing: A Resource for Instructors in All Disciplines. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. 62-84.

—. “What Can You Do With Student Writing?” The Elements of Teaching Writing: A Resource for Instructors in All Disciplines. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. 47-61.

Hedengren, Beth Finch. “Fair and Consistent Evaluation.” A TA’s Guide to Teaching Writing in All Disciplines.  Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. 102–112.

—. “One-on-One Writing Conferences (Office Hours).”  A TA’s Guide to Teaching Writing in All Disciplines. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. 71–80.

Lunsford, Ronald F. “When Less is More: Principles for Responding in the Disciplines.” New Directions for Teaching and Learning 69 (1997): 91-105.

Sommers, Nancy. “Responding to Student Writing.” The St. Martin’s Guide to Teaching Writing. 5th ed. Eds. Cheryl Glenn, Melissa Goldthwaite, and Robert Connors. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2003. 373-81.

White, Edward M. “Issues in Grading Writing and Using Score Guides.” Assigning, Responding, Evaluating: A Teacher’s Guide. 4th ed. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2007. 73-85.

Responding to Writing at the Sentence Level

Curzan, Anne. “Says Who? Teaching and Questioning the Rules of Grammar.” PMLA 124.3 (2009): 870-79.

Gottschalk, Katherine and Keith Hjortshoj. “Teaching Writing at the Sentence Level.” The Elements of Teaching Writing: A Resource for  Instructors in All Disciplines. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. 84-103.

Lanham, Richard. “The Paramedic Method.” Revising Prose. 4th ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2000. xii-3.

Rosenwasser, David and Jill Stephen. “Basic Analytical Strategies.Writing Analytically. 4th ed.  Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006. 349—84. 

—. “Nine Basic Writing Errors and How to Fix Them.” Writing Analytically. 4th ed.  Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006. 349—84.

—. “Style: Choosing Words.” and “Style: Shaping Sentences (and Cutting the Fat).” Writing Analytically. 4th ed.  Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006. 257—94.

Responding to Sentence Level Issues of Multilingual Students

Berkley, Angie and Gina Brandolino. “Multilingual Writers, with Shuwen Li.” Behind the Scaffolding. 2021,

Linville, Cynthia. “Editing Line by Line.” ESL Writers: A Guide for Writing Center Tutors. Eds. Shanti Bruce and Ben Rafoth. Boynton/Cook, 2004. 84—93.

Matsuda, Paul Kei and Michelle Cox. “Reading an ESL Writer’s Text.” ESL Writers: A Guide for Writing Center Tutors. Eds. Shanti Bruce and Ben Rafoth. Boynton/Cook, 2004. 39—47.

Minett, Amy Jo. “’Earth Aches by Midnight:’ Helping ESL Writers Clarify Their Intended Meaning.”ESL Writers: A Guide for Writing Center Tutors. Eds. Shanti Bruce and Ben Rafoth. Boynton/Cook, 2004. 60—70.

Tseng, Theresa Jiinling. “Theoretical Perspectives on Learning a Second Language.”  ESL Writers: A Guide for Writing Center Tutors. 2nd ed. Eds. Shanti Bruce and Ben Rafoth. Boynton/Cook, 2009.  18-32.

Strategies for Teaching Higher-Order Concerns

Ackerman, Erin. “‘Analyze This’: Writing in the Social Sciences.” They Say, I Say. Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein. 2nd ed. Norton, 2010. 175–192.

hooks, bell. “Engaged Pedagogy.” Teaching to Transgress: Education As the Practice of Freedom. Routledge, 1994. 13-22.

Booth, Wayne, Gregory C. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams. “Making Good Arguments: An Overview.” The Craft of Research. 3rd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008. 108–119.

Gillen, Christopher. “‘The Data Suggest’: Writing in the Sciences.” They Say, I Say. Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein. 2nd ed. Norton, 2010. 156–174.

Glenn, Cheryl and Melissa A. Goldthwaite. “Teaching Invention.” The St. Martin’s Guide to Teaching Writing. 6th ed.  Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008. 151–173.

Gopen and Swan, The Science of Scientific Writing American Scientist 78: 550-558.

Gottschalk, Katherine and Keith Hjortshoj. “Assigning and Responding to Revision.” The Elements of Teaching Writing: A Resource for Instructors in All Disciplines. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. 62-84.

Hedengren, Beth Finch. “Drafting.” A TA’s Guide to Teaching Writing in All Disciplines. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. 36–47.

—. “Prewriting.” A TA’s Guide to Teaching Writing in All Disciplines. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. 24–35.

—. “Revision.”  A TA’s Guide to Teaching Writing in All Disciplines. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004. 48–57.

Lindemann, Erika. “Prewriting Techniques.” A Rhetoric for Writing Teachers. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press, 1995. 105–125.

—. “Teaching Rewriting.” A Rhetoric for Writing Teachers. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press, 1995. 184–204.

Rosenwasser, David and Jill Stephen. “Basic Analytical Strategies.” Writing Analytically. 4th ed. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006. 24–61.

—. “Making a Thesis Evolve.” Writing Analytically. 4th ed. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006. 163–217.

Wesley, Kimberly. “The Ill Effects of the Five Paragraph Theme.” English Journal 90.1 (2000): 57–60.